When should I be worried?

I'm 14w2d today and my bump is not growing. I know from my last ultrasound my placenta is posterior and I'm not feeling anymore movement yet either. I'm debating on calling my ob because I'm starting to get worried but I don't want to get pushed off just to find out somethings wrong later. Adding: this is my 3rd pregnancy in 4 years.
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I didn’t start having a small bump until I was 26 weeks with my first! Then I ballooned the second I hit the third trimester. Everyone always says you get bigger faster with more pregnancies but that’s not always the case. Every bump is different regardless of how many pregnancies you’ve had.

@Meghan i didn't start showing until around 20 weeks with my first as well, and a little bit earlier with my second, but I literally have nothing right now 😅 somedays I'm more bloated but it still looks like normal bloat more than pregnancy bloat 😅

Im 16 weeks with my second and maybe look bloated at best. Ever pregnancy is different, but always do what you need for peace of mind! I understand pregnancy anxiety 😥

14 weeks is pretty early to start feeling movement. I don’t think I started feeling movement until after 20 weeks with my first. I would wait on your next appointment. Try not to stress.

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