I don’t thinks it’s to early, but as Jessica said I think it depends on their interests. My little boy has suddenly got an interest in phonics so I’ve ordered some bits for us to do at home, but I wouldn’t have done this if he wasn’t showing any interest. He might not enjoy any of it sat down, looking at flash cards ect so we might not use it until he’s older, but I’m just trying to make the most of him being interested in it. (I don’t say any of this to brag, I just mean that he probably won’t be interested in it in a few months so I’m just doing what I can while he is)
Have thought about making a activity that involves something he’s interested in and then you can incorporate coulers and numbers into the activity’s as well just make it fun. could be anything like messy place activity something like that 🥰
@Emilie all I can say is wow!! X
If it helps - I did run a nursery before becoming a SAHM so it was my day job before 😘
@Emilie haha well that certainly makes sense! It’s definitely not something majority of mums are doing at home. Hats off to you though. Very creative nonetheless! I basically use duplo as my “colours, numbers and shape” learning 🤣 they tick all the boxes. I love being creative but I do find that If we make things ourselves they don’t last or just break easily so they are all very short lived. I’m hoping to just introduce little bits every day so I don’t overwhelm him x
Duplo is the best! Honestly just using words like “more/less” “how many have I got?” “Oh look there’s three blocks.. 1..2..3” as you stack them is SO beneficial. Learning through play is the best way! Xx
You can teach them without them knowing in a way. So like walking down the stairs and counting the steps...or counting to 10 on the toilet. Alphabet you could pick something up and go 'A for Apple' etc
Or helping with the shopping or cleaning cupboards and counting how many tins of beans you have
I have started introducing blending phonemes to my boy. When I read him something, every now and then, for key words, I’ll sound it out for him to blend and point at the letters at the same time: S-M-A-SH (then he says SMASH! to much applause). I also write a few key words/letters on his etchasketch ever now and then. It make them with play dough. First just M for mama, D for dada and J for Julian. Then he spotted P for Pooh bear and H for horsie etc. we also found an alphabet book he loves (his is dragons)
My daughter has absolutely no attention span for that kind of thing. She’s a clever little thing so I’ve tried to do a little home learning but she’s rarely interested for more than 5 mins at a time and only now and then. She can count to 20, but only counts objects up to about 5 or 6 if that makes sense. She recognises the letters of the alphabet written down and can sing the alphabet song x