I use a normal little shot glass, and she is now a pro. I’ve got one cup with straw and a 360 cup, but we all prefer to just use a normal glass for now. Obviously I have to assist and hold it for her, but this way I can clearly see how much she is drinking and seems she is also happier to drink from there. Also I use the bottled water and not boiling it.
Once your baby is 6 months it can be water straight from the tap, doesn’t have to be boiled. I would probably go for fresh kettle water before that but I haven’t given water before 6 months. We have a little cup from EasyTots which is good for us x
Following x
I've just done a weaning course with the health visitors and they said from 6 months they can drink tap water, no need to boil the kettle. X
I first tried just with her normal milk bottle, then move onto a decent beaker