
Hey ladies. Not advice needed really but more just to hear from you all about how much milk your little ones are taking now? My girl is 9.5 months, formula fed and on 3 meals a day. She eats very well I’d say but her milk intake has dropped dramatically. I offer her 3x7oz throughout the day, some days she’ll finish them and some days we’re lucky to get her to take even half. We’ve had a few nights of sleeping through recently but the odd bottle around midnight where I’ll offer 7oz and she’ll take roughly 6oz. TIA x
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My little boy has just turned 10months he’s still on 2meals a day (we plan to transition to 3 this month) he will have 4 7/8oz bottles between 7am and 8:30pm his morning one he will only usually have 5 maybe 6oz and then all of his others he will have between 6 and 8oz

Turned 9 months last week, generally on 2 meals but sometimes do 3. Has 4 bottles during the day 3 are 7oz and the one before bed is 8oz they are roughly every 4 hours from 8-8 x

Mine is nearly 10 months and on 3 meals and 3 8oz bottles. One morning, one late afternoon and one bedtime bottle. I’m thinking of trying to drop afternoon bottle soon as I’m consious he should be off formula by the time he’s 1, but I’m not really sure how to completely take it away from him. Do you offer more food instead?

As long as baby is getting around 1 pint of milk a day (according to health visitors) and you’re still having wet and dirty nappies! My baby has days where he’s not as fussed about either his food or his milk and prefers the other so wouldn’t worry so much x

My little one sounds very similar. We are on 3 meals a day and he normally eats really well. We offer 3-4 7oz bottles a day, some day he drinks all of them and other days he’ll drink about half maybe less. It’s already been said but as long as your little one is having wet and dirty nappies it should be fine

3 meals a day (9.5 months) offer 2x6 oz and 1x8oz sometimes he has all other time leaves half of his evening bottle!

@Sarah hey my little girl is 10months she was on 3 bottles morning lunch and bed but the past few weeks she wasn't taking her lunchtime bottle so I've taken away.She now gets a bottle morning and night and I just offered more snacks and bigger meals.

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