My babygirl is measuring small and I’m stressing out about it.

Hi mamas, so I’m about 25 weeks pregnant with my second child. It is a girl! But I was just told that she is measuring on the small side. My ob is thinking of sending me to a specialist for extra monitoring and now I’m just stressed out and so worried about her! I didn’t have this issue with my son. It breaks my heart to think this is my fault. It doesn’t help that I’m new to Warroad area and basically totally alone besides my man and my son. 🙃
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Try not to worry! My baby girl was measuring small as well and now she's 8lbs at 5 weeks :) she arrived at 7lbs on the dot and she's just on the smaller side in general lol she's completely healthy too just had a little bit of jaundice that's cleared up now, it's not your fault!

Don't stress about it. The baby still has a lot of growing to do. My daughter's we're both on the smaller side.( 6lbs 12oz and 5lbs 9oz) While both of my sons were on the bigger side.( 8lbs 12oz and 8lbs 8oz) My girls were also born at 39 weeks and 38 1/2 weeks while I was induced with both of my sons because they went a little past my due dates. Each pregnancy is different.

@Kelly my ob has decided to send me to a specialist for further testing cause she is measuring in the 3.7 percentile so I am getting nervous but thank you!! Ill wouldn’t mind a smaller baby. I mean maybe less tearing lol but my son was 7lb on the dot so this is a different experience

@Alicia how small was she measuring? My baby girl is measuring in the 3.7 percentile so they are sending me to a specialist and I just keep getting more nervous! And I can’t help but think it’s cause of me. My son was perfect (I feel like all baby’s have a touch of jaundice cause he did too but that was super easy to deal with) but what if she’s not growing cause I have an infection or something. My brain is just going crazy!

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