Up until recently my baby was still having 3 bottles of around 200ml each. Just this week she has started drinking less and only having 120-150ml each bottle and not even fussed on the bedtime one. I thought I would have a nightmare trying to cut them down but shes doing it herself all of a sudden. She is closer to 12 months, a lot can change in a few weeks. Also remember its just a guideline, its not like you have to change them overnight, its a lot of pressure! You could try adding in an extra meal of supper before bed maybe? And maybe try making the bottles 1-2oz smaller and just see how she adapts
Thanks everyone. Definitely feel the pressure to get her milk cut back. We do snacks and a supper before bed already. Even when she'd had a 3 course lunch yesterday just before a nap she still wanted just over 100ml of milk! Hopefully as you've said @CeeCee, we'll find one day she suddenly decides she doesn't need quite so much. @Chelsea, that's the sort of response that's put me off going to the HV! Not very helpful when everyone's getting more and more sleep deprived 🫣
I had a HV visit and she said 16-20oz a day approx 400/600ml a day, my LB takes 3 7oz bottles a day but doesnt finish the middle one. I found i needed to cut down the oz of his bottles to get him to eat more food and began to look for less milk - but every day is different. Its so hard as every baby is so different in how much the want to eat/drink, i would do what is best for you and your baby❤️
My little one turns 1 on the 6th January also 🥰 at the moment he still has 4 bottles of 7/8 oz a day, plus 2/3 meals and snacks. He seems constantly hungry the last week or 10 days he's been waking in the night I think hungry. I've recently dropped his 10am bottle as he usually has a nap after his porridge and then thats past the 10am so when he wakes I give him a snack then he'll have lunch and his 2pm bottle after. Then he'll have another bottle around 6/7 before bed and then we dream feed him at 10. We were going to try and drop the dream feed as the next one and then he's down to 3 but with how much he's waking I'm apprehensive to do so 😫
@Sophie it sounds like they're at very similar points with their milk intake then! It's reassuring to know we're not the only ones still using that much formula a day. Good luck with the dream feed bottle, always feels risky when it comes to changes affecting sleep doesn't it 😅
@Tanya yes, at the moment I'm apprehensive over dropping that one, I may drop the 2pm one as he has lunch a little before then can have a snack but also I've heard normal milk without brushing is bad for them so I'm undecided yet! I don't wanna drop it quite yet as he's going through a waking in the middle of the night phase again so don't wanna make it worse lol
My little one is pretty much the same age (5th jan) also cmpa on nutramigen. We still give 4 bottles 8.5 oz a day (not always having it all but does take alot). He's not a massive eater either so I've been wondering whether to try cutting a bottle out but we don't have our 8-12 month review until end of jan 🤯. I just think they tell you formular main source until 1 but overnight the advice flips so hard to suddenly change! Xx
My LB is 11 months old and I cannot get him off his milk, he still wants a bottle every 3-4 hours throughout the day including food and snacks, I’ve tried everything. Replacing with water, bigger meals, he just won’t come off his milk. He used to sleep 8-8 with no wakes, now he’s waking 2-3 times for a bottle🥲 My response from the HV was just don’t give it him… I won’t let him ‘cry it out’ x