Or has gas
How old is your LO? We ran into this issue starting at 2.5 months old. Our girl is now 4.5 months old. We made sure to feed in a place that’s quiet and low light with zero distractions. Having the white noise machine helped to mask sounds. Only the feeding parent in the room. It looks like your baby is coming out of the fourth trimester and waking up to the world and has Fomo. I noticed your tv sound is on and he maybe looking around to find the sound source. Also try playing around with adjusting positioning and see if that helps. Make sure to burp if you think he looks uncomfortable. It was rough for us for a while but just know that it gets better soon!! Edit: also agree with the other comments to try different bottles and nipple sizes if you can afford to do so.
Try a faster teat xx
Could you find a bottle that is very similar to the boob ? Like Evenflo or Lansinoh bottles?
Same as Kelly, my girl went through a phase of distraction with the bottle. Infuriating and worrying she wasn't getting enough milk but figured she'd ask for more when hungry. Now 5 months and wants to sit upright constantly with the bottle!!
My girl has been the same the last few weeks, she just wants to look around at everything and won’t take the bottle properly if I sit still. Only way I can get her to take anything is to walk around feeding her so she is constantly looking at something new, it’s like she is so busy looking at things she doesn’t realise she is feeding.
Is there a TV that he's looking at? My son will turn his head to watch the TV while feeding and I have to turn it off because it distracts him. If not that, he could just be full. I always take the bottle away to see if he cries for it again. If not, then he's done for now.
This happened with my baby too when she was about 4 months old. I made sure there were no distractions around—just me in her sight, singing rhymes/songs. (I’ve been singing during feeds since she was 2 months old to help her drink slowly, matching the rhythm of the song) I also switched to the next teat size (MAM teat size 3) because she was very hungry but would get frustrated and start crying after drinking just 10–20 ml. Now 6 months and does this when she's full.
I had this very briefly and it was the teat flow, I tried the next one up (slightly faster) and she was happy to take again x
Are those ma'am bottles? I've heard that those are the absolute worst for breast-feeding combo feeding because they do not pass the triangle test.
Baby seems full… however depending on age you have to up the nipple flow…. Granted babe just seems full and distracted.. don’t force feed if they are gaging
Tommeee tippee was the o my one my little would take- I also agree with the quiet room and maybe some gas drops before 💗 For the record I went thru like 6 different types of bottle to find which one my baby actually took
My LO did this around 3mo and it help me to give her bottle in a dark and quiet room, and I also size up the teat
My baby 4.5 months and has been doing this for the last month. Sometimes I think she s just full, she seems to want to take all her bottles in two parts.
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Mine does this if it’s too cold or full. I wouldn’t force it just let them tell you when hungry again.
Mine does this or pushes it out with his tongue/ licks it- We've started using thickener and if it's not the right consistency the flow changes, he's 9 weeks. So possibly flow issue x
My son is starting to refuse letting my mom feed him a bottle and only wants to be breast fed. If he hears or smells me, he’ll just be bawling when she’s trying to give him the bottle. He just wants me now which is hard when I’m trying to do something and that’s why I’m having my mom feed him. Normally I’ll just stop if I can and do it, if I can’t then she’ll just take a whole hr to get him to finally take the bottle but it’s a hassle
Do you need the next size teet? If its one thats youve used for a while he may need a faster one now
How old is baby? My boy would have a bottle of expressed milk off my husband every other night as well it would also be 2-3 bottles a night, he would have them up to about 7/8 weeks i think he was and then suddenly refused and even now will refuse a bottle xx
Has he been checked for tongue tie?
We really didn't get on with Mam bottles. I combi fed as my daughter had latching issues. The BF consultant told me to move away from those bottles, especially if combi feeding due to the teat shape and recommended Lansinoh Bottles https://amzn.eu/d/i4lEBPU They made such a difference, even with burping and my daughter was less windy/gassy. A few friends also moved onto the same bottles and also said they found them better xx
@Kelly thanks for your comment, he's just turned 3 months old. He's always fed quite well until now and it's come out of no where. X
@Melissa yes they are mam bottles, someone recommended them to me he's always been fine until now. X
@Hol we've used this size 1 teat for a while upped it about a month ago, but find he struggles with the size 2 when we tried it. Do they need some time to get used to the next size up?
@Jazmin nope but we have never had any issues been told he had a really good latch BFeeding. Can it suddenly become a problem if it was tongue tie by 3 months? X
Thanks guys really helpful advice, I'll try reducing the distractions as this seems like a common cause. Interestingly he took the bottle no problem last night for the first time in a few days (milk was warmer, the room was darker) but then was back the same this morning refusing 🙈 he must be hungry though as he had gone nearly 4hrs! If still an issue I'll try the next teat size then move onto trying the lansinoh bottles x
@Jamee-Leigh we used those too because the hospital recommended them...
@Jamee-Leigh I combi fed and used Mam and havent had any issue with them was advised to use Mam but every baby is different although if youve been breastfeeding and then going on to bottles maybe try a 0 or 1 teat as the flow out of the boob would be slower i started with a 0 my boys now 11months and still on size 3 teat so could just have a swap round with teats see which flow he prefers if you can do this, it can take time to get use to but i wouldnt say longer than a few days x
May just be full hun