Formula amounts

My little one is 10months old and today has only had 9oz all together he just really doesn’t want his milk! He’s had a few sips of water but really not a lot and breakfast dinner and tea but usually he will have atleast 18/20oz a day! Im worried he’s going to become dehydrated I don’t know what else to do to try get him to have some milk or atleast water! Iv tried dream feeding, singing, getting him to hold the bottle but he’s not having none of it keeps pushing it away and crying
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We’re going through the exact same and I’m really not liking it😢 I don’t have any advice but I can completely relate to how your feeling, babies nappies have reduced aswell😞 the drs or HV don’t seem to be very bothered about it either xxx

@Charl literally they don’t seem bothered but I’m concerned because just like you nappies are reducing I’m hoping maybe it’s teething or feeling unwell and it will pass but I’m getting worried for him xx

@Courtney I’m hoping the same too, I feel like I’m having to force water because I’m worrying myself about him not getting enough. Hopefully our babies are back to normal soon. Two more months and we dont need to worry about milk as such xxx

@Charl it awful isn’t it! I feel terrible trying to force him to have just sips but I also feel terrible that he’s not having enough And yes roll on February less stress about the milk then! Xx

I’m struggling with the same as well! My lg was poorly and has not picked up her milk since! Really not wanting it anymore!

@Courtney Honestly I feel the exact same. I’m hoping it’s just a phase or maybe teething has your little one got any teeth? Xxx

@Charl he hasn’t got any yet seems to be dribbling quite abit but not really showing he’s in pain so I’m unsure but I’m expecting some to come through soon surely, has yours?xx

@Vanessa how has she been hydration wise? I can always pick up what he’s missing in the milk with his food I just worry he will never be hydrated enough xx

@Courtney yes my little boys just about to turn ten months old and he got his first tooth at five months old. He now has 8! I’m wondering if he has molars coming or with yourself and other commenting I’m wondering if it’s just a phase for their age? In a morning I’ve been adding his milk to his ready brek or weetabix so he gets it but night I just don’t know what to do as we do the bottle in his room etc. Also with the morning it then means he can’t have anything else other than cereal and it’s more food and not a drink to keep hydrated. I’ve even tried giving the milk in a beaker what he has water from but still no 😞 xxx

@Courtney she used to pee loads when she had 25+oz a day. She’s consuming less so she’s less wet. But she still has wet nappies and she’s super happy in her self so I’m not going to stress. I tried to really put milk in her last night and she threw up, so I can’t force her. They’ll take what they want to take is how I’m thinking of things now xx

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