Blue dye tests are sods for an evaporation lines! I’d discard them and wait to test until morning! The worst thing you can do it go back hours later, it used to be my toxic trait when we were TTC 😅 I’d be checking it 3 days later and just causing myself more stress!! You got this 💕
Thanks for your comments - sounds like it’s a false positive then but I’ll update tomorrow. I normally wouldn’t take any notice as I know you shouldn’t look at them after the time has passed,but it is just a little weird as I’ve never personally had evaporation lines on any negative tests before. It doesn’t really help my periods are really irregular so there’s no telling when 38 days since my last period means a baby or just my weird body 😂
Update - it’s negative
Evaporation line more than likely if you didn’t see them in the time frame window