Colic in babies

Has anyone experienced this, can it start as little as 3 days old in babies?
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I’m pretty sure it can start from day 1 tbh. But colic in itself isn’t a diagnosis it just indicates an underlying issue such as reflux, gas etc.

My first had it BAD. There is a difference between a baby’s temperament (being a ‘colicky baby’) and underlying issues so it’s worth checking for any tummy issues like trapped wind or even allergies. But a midwife told us you can tell basically from day 1 which ones are going to be ‘more sensitive’ vs happy chill little ones and we definitely found that to be true with our two being polar opposites and it having been clear from day 1.

@Allie thank you, my first was really chill baby never really cried, but my newborn has been crying same time every night it starts at around 8pm- 3am on and off, we manage to get him settled then 15 minutes later it starts agai, he's chill during the day but it seems like he's in pain with high pitched crying, pulling his legs up and scrunching his face when crying. How do I check for allergies? I bottle feed, and we use sma formula

@Allie thank you for sharing honey x

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