I have a high risk pregnancy with a clotting disorder, recurrent loss, and higher risk for other issues (pre eclampsia, IUGR, preterm labor, blood clots, placental insufficiency) down the road. I see my MFM monthly. I got a work accommodation letter from the beginning limiting my standing hours to 8 hours a day, and limiting my lifting to 15lbs initially, and now can lift up to 50lbs. I’m having a lot of sciatica pain that is limiting my mobility and ability to do my job, so I have the possibility of having my MFM place me on short term disability leave from work.
Recurrent loss of what @Terri lynn ?
@Samantha - recurrent pregnancy loss. First and second trimester losses most likely related to my clotting disorder.
@Christina🤱🏼🍂☕️♈️ your note said “high risk” — anything else or no?
Id more word it as youre worried the stress attending in person causes may increase your chances of preterm labour so would it be possible to get a note asking if i could be excused to attend virtually due to this? As they’re usually quite happy to help relieve any anxieties they can and its not an unreasonable request considering i imagine the stress does make you worry about the affect its all having on the pregnancy. Not saying dizziness isnt valid just that if thats the only reason its likely theyd just make accommodations for this eg have you seated at all times / arrange travel etc when truly what you want is to not have the added stress of all that attending physically brings in an already very stressful situation.
@Samantha nope. Just stated I had a high risk pregnancy. It’s not anyone’s business as to why but my own and my doctor’s
Your Dr note is usually pretty vague, only stating high risk and whatever your accommodation requirements are ie. Frequent breaks, work from home, off work... you would be providing this note to either your manager or HR dept. But, some companies, like mine, will assign you a case worker. Our HR assigns a third party who would request your medical records and see if this accommodation is truly required or if they can suggest something else.
You can be high risk if you’re under mental health midwife or anything flagging stress, you can get discharged though if you ask.
It’s not for work. It’s for a litigation I’m in unfortunately @Vanessa
I was a high risk pregnancy for multiple reasons. I stopped working at 17 wks pregnant due to being high risk. My doctor wrote a note and I was paid the entire time and got my 18 wks of maternity leave and bonding time. There are various reasons for being high risk. Pre term labor is reason enough