Mylicon could possibly help and tummy massages & bicycle kicks
@Brooke Breastmilk
Babies who are breastfed can go up to 4-5 days without pooping and be okay. (2 doctors told me this — as my baby would only poop every 4 days). I’d also do lots of bicycle and tummy massages. And a Frieda gas tool would make her poop right away!
Frida windi if baby is uncomfortable but if they don’t seem bothered I’d wait for it to come Also assisted squat position right after a feed helps my guy when he’s backed up - Google if unfamiliar
my baby is breast fed & didn’t poop for 3 days, then had a crazyy big poop so just be ready & make sure the diaper is on right to avoid a blowout!
Thank you all for your help, experience, and advice! My baby pooped this morning 😊
My baby did this a couple times, went a couple days without pooping and I was freaking out… turns out it is normal, pediatrician told me as long as she is feeding and having wet diapers as usual, and not acting extremely fussy it’s ok. She got a bit fussy one afternoon, we gave her a warm bath and did skin to skin while rocking and/or breastfeeding… and she had a big poop later that night. And then pooped like 3 times in a row.
Breast milk or formula?