@Tashina that’s the thing they also had doctors notes! They had a ER discharge paper which I had taken the day of. Aswell as the pediatrician which is when I took the photo of him in the blue shirt! The blue shirt was literally 2 days after the event happened and the ER called the hospital that same night but the intake never approved of it going to the CPS
I had to file a report
@Jazmine whoever did this to him needs to kept far away
@Tashina he said it was his dad:( I have a PO against him but they claim that he was returned unharmed when I asked his dad when was he going to tell me about the bruise and swollen lip and he got extremely defensive about it. Cps isn’t helping when they claim they don’t see a bruise
@Jazmine I’m so sorry that’s such bs
Do you have a custody agreement between his dad or are you able to stop him from going over there?
@Kendra I have a no contact protective order against him so he canT contact us or come near us
@Kendra I also found a lawyer that’s going to help me get sole custody
I'm sorry but I don't see a bruise and the lip looks normal to me but you would know if you know the child. But to be fair as an outsider it looks like nothing
I must be really bad at detecting
But his eye definitely don’t look the same compared to when he left to go with his dad
@Jaylin but I also have medical documentation from doctors who has seen the bruises and documented it. It was seen in person by medical professionals so there was definitely a bruise on him and his lip was swollen:/
Sounds like you need a different case worker File a report take him to the doctor for proof