If shes on formula, maybe try an anti reflux milk? My little girl was the same and would throw up with every single feed, I put her on Aptamil anti reflux and it was the best decision I made! She was on that until she was ready to be moved onto cows milk x
I think a trip to the GP to try baby gaviscon perhaps…
I had this with my little girl. She’s been on aptamil anti-reflux milk since around 3-4 weeks old. She’s 8 months old now and doing so much better x
Has she been checked for tongue tie?
@Anna my girl has tongue tie but doesn’t affect her. I’d defo get it checked though, you can’t do it on nhs tho (my gp wouldn’t even look) x
@Chloe also if you end up with baby gaviscon or anti reflux milk if your bottle feeding don’t forget to buy bigger teats - we have mam bottle teat 3 for anti reflux milk x
Aptamil anti reflux. It is stupidly expensive compared to other milk but the change in my baby was instant.
@Charlie we pay over £100 a month for my girl as she drinks quite a lot but so worth it! She’s barely ever sick now
Thanks guys, she is mainly on breast milk that I pump! She has a couple of formula feeds a day to top up so might try a different formula but not sure how much of a difference it would make if she isn’t having it every feed
@Chloe id try baby gaviscon if breast milk as it’s something you can add into a bottle - do get something to help constipation though as it made my baby very constipated. We used colief for this but I think there is other alternatives x
@Courtney Davis Thankyou! I will definitely give it a go!!🩷
@Chloe you’re welcome, good luck!! Hope it works for baby! It’s not nice! :( it does take time though💕
We put carobel in our babies bottles, you can buy it from the pharmacy but gp can prescribe it so you can get it for free as well, definitely the best option as you can adjust the thickness as needed, worked brill for our baby x
My baby has reflux. Strictly breastfed right now. They say break up feeds to burp, switch boobs, gas exercises in between. The only thing that worked is gripe water! Twice a day and post feeding times are a lot better
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@Courtney Davis reflux is usually just a symptom of something else. So in some cases can be caused by tongue tie, my boys reflux went away when I got his tongue tie sorted and we stopped all meds within a day successfully. X
Infant gaviscon, omeprazole, carobel feed thickener, reflux milk x