Uncomfortable baby - wind, constipation, normal?

My baby is 6 weeks old today, she seems to suffer with wind quite badly. I burp her regularly after a feed (EBF)but it always seems to go down and become trapped wind which then leads her to be uncomfortable and do loud and really smelly trumps. She only poos every 3 days. It's usually bang on queue so health visitor has said its just normal for her and the poo is always soft and yellow, just lots of it. However the day 2 is always her worst day for trapped wind and she appears very squirmy. Last night is the worse it's been with us getting no sleep because of it! Do I need to get it investigated more or is this just normal progression while her digestive system is working out what it needs to do? Is it worth trying infacol or colief for the wind? Any advice or people in similar situations is appreciated.
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My first only ever did a poo every other day, me second seems to pop every other nappy she does. It can be completely normal, both of mine EBF both very different poop patterns. Baby could also have silent reflux. We took our first to a cranial osteopath and it was the best decision we made, she really suffered with wind and reflux and they helped loads. But you could also just be experiencing the witching hour, where babies just tend to have an episode of none stop crying. It’s horrible trying to work it all out especially when they appear to be in pain and if you need piece of mind then definitely take her to see someone, there’s nothing g wrong with getting everything checked out ❤️

Thank you! I think I will try to ride it out for a couple more weeks to see if things settle down a bit. It's horrible thinking they are in pain or discomfort and not knowing how to help but it's also trying to decipher between whether it's normal and baby just adjusting to life or if something is wrong! 😂 the constant dilemma of being a parent!

My baby was the same, tried everything, in the end I used to give her a syringe of fennel tea or chamomile before she went to sleep and that helped alot , it also stopped her from puking which she did a lot

Fennel will get rid of excess wind and chamomile will calm the stomach

Thanks, I might give it a try!

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