
Hello 👋🏻 I have successfully weaned off the boob and on to formula. My baby will be 1 year jan 6th so she will only be formula fed for a couple weeks then we are switching to cow milk. I’ve been giving her a 6 oz in the morning 6 oz before a nap and 6 oz at bedtime. Am I giving her enough formula through out the day? And she gets meals and snacks of course. I’ve always been EBF so I always fed whenever. Crazy she’s almost a year and I don’t know much about bottle feeding 😂 please let me know!
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Usually formula fed babies eat a minimum of 8 oz starting at about 6/7 months. Also you aren't supposed to give them whole milk until they have their one year visit

@Abby the amount of formula really depends on the child. When my oldest was close to a year old he drank about 20oz total for a whole day and he would only take about 5-6oz at a time. Once they're on solids they really don't need that large of a serving of formula or milk. They can also have smaller servings of cows milk before 12 months old if you're using it to prepare other foods like oatmeal or pancakes but it's not recommended as a drink offered with a meal, for that instead offer water or some juice.

@Leslie what you said!!

What advice do you need in terms of bottle feeding? How is your baby currently with the bottle? Doing well or are they choking on it?

@Leslie no she’s doing well!! I just think I wasn’t giving her enough formula. Idk I might be over thinning it. She feeds well off the bottle

@Ash ah gotcha. I went on a Google and checked out a few different charts and it seems that 6-8oz is normal range of formula for a baby between 9-12 months old. The least amount of feedings being 3 or 4 per day. I think 18oz of formula a day is a decent amount especially because they're at the age where they're eating so many other foods as well

@Leslie ok! That’s what I thought too. I’m gonna offer her 8 oz if she wants but if she doesn’t finish it then she doesn’t finish it 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol. She does eat breakfast lunch & dinner

@Ash sounds like a plan! My older kids never drank 8oz but they're both big foodies so even when they were being weaned, they were more into water than formula or milk, though I tried to be diligent and still offer it lol I just always felt bad wasting formula. Now my newest baby is almost exclusively on breastmilk (just worked out that way this time around) and he's an absolute milk monster. We went from the NICU with a feeding tube and cpap, to guzzling down 4-6oz a feed and sometimes needing to be topped off. I'm totally out of ny element here with this guy lmao

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