MAM bottles

What size teat is everyone using? My girl is on size 1 on a MAM bottle but seems to be getting tired after 3oz, would it be worth sizing up? It’s been nearly 7 years since I’ve done this so I feel like a FTM again! Any advice would be appreciated 😊
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Hi lovely, definitely worth upping a teat size if she’s getting tired. It might take a few bottles (or a few days as was my sons case) but she should eventually get used to it :) xx

Thank you! I will sterilise a couple of size 2 teats and see how she gets on! Xx

Mines on 3, takes a day or 2 for them to adjust as they will still chug it but if you just pace feed they will get used of flow xx

My little girl is also on size 3

@Ashleigh you’re welcome! My son took forever as he was on a CMPA formula which was really watery so he didn’t go to size 1 until 8 months and then size 2 at 13 months but usually between 4-6 months they’ll be ready for the size up. Pace feeding as others have said helps with the flow control until they’re used to it 💛

@Courtney my girl is on CMPA formula too! Yeah we’ve done pace feeding since I stopped breastfeeding due to CMPA at 6 weeks old xx

@Ashleigh aww bless you! I was so sad when we stopped breastfeeding haha, but he was only 12 days old. I kept pumping to put it in his bath though as it seemed to help his eczema. Stopped at 5 months but apparently my boobs didn’t get the memo as I still leak😂 he’s almost 19 months old now lol. I had to try a fair few to get one that worked for him but he eventually settled on Neocate. I did try Carobel for a while when sizing up as he seemed to choke on it a little but that made him constipated so was just a mix of persevering and pace feeding and he eventually got there 😂😂xx

@Courtney same here 😢 so sad isn’t it!! Oh no way 😂😂 mine dried up and now my boobs identify as knee caps 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ we’re on neocate too as Aptamil pepti 1 constipated her so bad! She didn’t poo for 3 weeks even with lactulose and senokot! She had a rough start bless her 😂😂 xx

Definitely, sized up at 2 months but still on 2 now, tried 3 but it's too fast yet x

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