
Help! I’ve got twins, and as you can imagine I’m going through formula like crazy to keep the twins going. Bottles we are using are the Tommy Tippee Closer to Nature and Anti Colic. The children grizzle when they want food however the minute we give it to them, they’re not taking it. Or if they do take it, it takes about 20-30mins to even get 1/2oz into them which isn’t right for babies just over a week old. I’ve said to my other half I suspect it is the teat/bottle not suiting them. However he gets very irate stating that it has nothing to do with the bottles and that it is the children ‘playing up’. I’ve got some MAM bottles which I’ve tried esp with one of my children who struggles to feed and she’s taken good amounts from me in good time before falling asleep. So, my Q to you all - has anyone else experienced similar? What bottles are you using?
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I don't think a week old baby would be playing up, they probably don't know how too. It sounds like the teat is not right. Do you have a size 0 as that doesn't suit all newborns. Personally I prefer mam bottles. My first born worked well with it straight away. But if you want to stick to tommee tippee bottles then just experiment and try different teat sizes. If is still don't work then it's likely the bottles isnt suitable

Our LO is a week old and We started with mam bottles 0 teet, but he wasn't feeding well. We noticed that he fed much better with the hospitals disposable ones, so we bought the nuk first choice bottles which have a much faster flow. But now we're using the mam again as well as tommee tippee anti colic closer to nature and the nuk ones. He favours the mam 0 teets tho. He has about 1oz every 2ish hours and feeding can take up to an hour just for that amount. We give regular breaks for winding and we also wake him up if he hasn't naturally awoken for a feed. Smaller babies take longer and need more breaks. They also fall asleep more whilst feeding. But you have to have patience and wake them up so they don't soothe on the bottle, rather than drink. They're not "acting up" they're learning. Babies have never fed before, so it's a learning experience for parents and babies alike.

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