We switched to almond milk
I started at 11 months just slowly started replacing ounces of formula with milk by 12 months she was on whole milk
I started 3/4 formula 1/4 milk When his tummy adjusted 2/4 formula 2/4 milk Then 1/4 formula 3/4 milk Then 4/4 milk to avoid an upset stomach and diarrhea
I had to mix it due to my child having a cows milk allergy. His paediatrician had me put an ounce more each week seeing how his body will tolerate it. Otherwise I would have just given straight milk.
Mixed it to avoid constipation/ any potential tummy issues that I saw some others had when they switched right away. It worked well and only took about a week for him to transition onto just whole milk
Changed 1 bottle at a time to cows milk
I did what Elizabeth said. We tried switching one bottle at a time but it upset my daughters tummy and caused diaherra so we slowly added in less formula and more cows milk every few days.
I breastfed but I never mixed bc I didn’t want to waste breastmilk if they didn’t like the milk mixed in with it. I’m sure you don’t want to waste formula either. I just started with a cup or bottle of a couple ounces of milk, then slowly replaced formula bottles with milk. The bedtime bottle was the last to go.