definitely signs of tongue tie.. my little does the same (expect for crying) has a mild case of it i noticed when i first brought him home and brought asked his pediatrician about it and that’s what she told me and that it’s nothing serious however you can get it cut if you want.. his hiccuping don’t last that long the discomfort comes from the extra air that she is swallowing since most tongue tie babies don’t latch as well so it’s creating trap gas making them full a bit quicker.. what i find works for us i switched to using dr. brown’s bottles (if i’m not breastfeeding) to slow his drinking down and i burp him more often during feedings if needed, i always feed him upright a little to help with the trap gas and air bubbles and then give him grip water (which has been a LIFE SAVER) afterwards to help aid with the hiccups and gas it has made his feeding go so much better and reduced the refluxes.. i also do a lot of tummy time with him cause it helps with discomfort
i also lay him on his stomach when he sleeps cause that’s the only way he’ll be able to (he’s 2 weeks and literally stay still as a rock which is why i’m comfortable with doing it)
Do you have an infant support team local as they often run groups that you can attend? They did a mouth examination on my daughter as we were having similar issues with feeding. They found she had signs of tongue tie so referred us to the hospital where she had the procedure
My boy had a hard time latching at first so we saw a lactation consultant. They showed me how to get a better latch to relieve me pain during breastfeeding but did also point out a minor tongue tie. We never really had an issue with the bottle but we also using Dr. Browns bottles ( as mentioned above) he does leak out milk while he dinks but is a chunky baby so not missing nutrients 😂. I say do the research and what you think is best. There are possibilities of lisps in the future with minor tongue ties and minor things like snoring. We decided not to get his released (he was already a nicu baby and didn’t want to torture him with another procedure) and like I said he’s growing really healthy so trust your mama instincts!
@jasmine which formula do you use? Did you switch to one that you found better?
Sounds like it could be a mixture of tongue tie and silent reflux, my baby also has both 😅 I’ve noticed you’re near me, Leighton won’t cut tongue ties if you’re not breastfeeding which is frustrating because it still causes so many issues on the bottle…my health visitor suggested I get my baby’s cut privately which we’re looking into now, for the silent reflux you can try things like carobel without going to the doctors it did work for our baby, before that we were staying upright for 30 mins after a feed and burping after every ounce xx
@Jess i breastfeed and pump but i’ve kendamil and bubs are good for those who are gassy and colicky
My little one lost loads of milk from the side of her mouth when feeding and she had tongue tie at the back. Speak to health visitor when you get baby weighed as they can refer you as well… both mine had tongue tie snipped… they did advise to use the old fashioned £1 bottles with a longer teat to help in the meantime!
Thank you everyone! I have got an appointment at the drs today so will go from there 🤞🏼🤞🏼
That wasn’t very successful.. she just gave me the number for the infant feeding team! Do you think this could be the reason why LO screams after her bottle.. she gets beside herself and it’s horrible to see but there’s nothing that will stop it when she starts!
Try gripe water after feeds to help with gas for now, wellements is a great brand
@Hannah ask the HV too they can refer… speak to one at weigh-in or something… but wind is connected to tongue tie. Colief is also really good
Following as in exact same position