@Emily it came up not even a minute after I took it and stayed that way. It's darker now but well past the time so I'm not relying on it now. Taking another one when my bladder fills lol
Ahh okay! There is definitely a line but it looks a little weird, taking another is definitely a good idea 😊
Take a different test ,blue dye isn't reliable anymore when they are better brands that are more sensitive x
That’s how mine looked at the time and I’m definitely pregnant and I got the store brand ones
Might just go for a blood test tomorrow to be 100% sure 😭
@Holly wow that's horrible
The pink dyes came back negative! That was a crazy couple of hours..
I hate blue dye test they mess with my head so much
@Kamryn🇲🇽 the pinks are negative but the blue dyes made me anxious like it might be too early 😭
How many dpo
Was it read and photographed within the time window? If not could just be an evap line x