Im not sure how many dpo etc, but I was around 3 days before period was due❤️
I tested positive at 10DPO, but my period was already a day late
@Angelina wow 9days that's awesome hopefully I get the same! And congratulations on your little
@Jude how many days is your cycle
Yes 8DPO on clear blue ultra sensitive test. Then dye test picked it up at 10dpo x
10DPO I had a vvfl on a strip test, it got consistently darker over the following week!!
My positive was 9 dpo.
Had my first positive at 8DPO xx
@Kacie so excited for you congratulations!!! And thank you 🤞🏼
i got mine first thing in the morning at 9dpo!
@Alexis looks like I'll start testing early!
@Kamryn🇲🇽 around 27 days
Got a positive about 9dpo and checked for line progression. First two times I was pregnant I didn’t but since I found out early and had extra tests I kept checking bc of previous losses. So blessed to be 20 weeks :)