@Gabrielle they are good till March of 2026 but I know I was also ovulating so why would the test have faint if I’m ovulating?
Idk sometimes the tests are just weird
I would also base your ovulation peak, less on the number and more if the line is darker than your control line. This looks pretty darn close, either later that day or the next. If you are seeing faint positives but nothing sticks fully, get your hormone levels checked. Similar thing happened to me and I had low progesterone, and they put me on progesterone which I took after I ovulated. And I got pregnant with that! I will say, those pregnancy tests you have aren’t the best & can show evap lines.
@Seana I did end up peaking on 12/31 and had sex on 1/1 so hoping this is my cycle…. We will see!
Good luck!!!
If test again in a few days but also make sure they aren’t expired. It’s possible that your last period wasn’t a period