Also let him feed himself. My boy just turned one and understands the concept of a spoon and fork bit still just enjoys shoveling it in. You are doing great mama! Every baby is different!
@➳➳𝕊𝕒𝕞➳➳ Ahhh! Feed him everywhere we eat wherever we go but in small pieces?? Also, are you using salt and sugar for your baby to eat now? I’m scared to put it in his food. Ekkk! I made pasta sauce and the tomatoes are a little sour and tangy and idk if he will like it lol
My son likes oatmeal, pancakes made out of puree & oatmeal,grits, yogurt, or smoothie for breakfast. He likes soups, steak, mash potatoes, tator tots, chicken, & sometimes pasta for lunch and dinner. He only gets 20oz of milk a day eventually we will go down to 2 bottles instead of 3. A bottle when he wakes up in the morning, one at lunch, & then before bed. We started winging him on cow milk a week ago and I think he prefers the cow milk than toddler now.
I might be the worst to get advice from but after my son turned 5 months I was led weaning here and there but his schedule is -8am:yogurt,eggs or fruit,then 6 or 7 oz bottle (depending how much he ate. -12pm:fruit pouch or just snacks( he’s been super picky and doesn’t care for lunch as much) then 8 oz bottle -4pm: some kind of protein, carb and veggie then a 6 or 7 oz bottle -7pm: (Last bottle) no food just 8 oz bottle and baby cereal. I pretty much feed him what we eat in a day.
@Jenn don't worry about sour and tang I use Redmonds Real Salt in my home and I do restrict sugar but I'll put a sprinkle of good mineralizwd salt on his food sometimes. They'll surprise you! Yes small pieces also. Chop and le t em tear it up!! Keep a water near em
My baby also had 3 8 oz bottles a day. We’ve been slowly weaning her off formula so I’m giving her a cup of warm whole milk in a straw cup in the morning and still giving formula at night but in a couple days, I will stop formula completely and give her whole milk at night as well. I give her the milk as soon as she wakes up and then give her breakfast about an hour later. Breakfast and dinner are her bigger meals where I offer a main and then two small sides. Pancakes or waffles for breakfast and then protein for dinner. I’ve made batches of meatballs or chicken breasts, that way I can utilize it throughout the week. Lunch is tougher but I usually offer some yogurt and a snack or a Cerebelly fruit pouch. Then, of course, lots of snacks. And water with every meal. I feel like my little girl has a bigger appetite than most other kids her age. Remember, right now they are still learning and don’t need a lot of calories.
@Karyn id like to add. If you don't have well balanced meals and nutrients rich foods it's okay to add something on the side like Avocado or a different veggie etc
My son eats whatever I eat as long as he can chew it and it's not spicy. He still loves his formula but also loves to chow down!
We tried cows milk and my son rejected it. So we're mixing it in to the formula. So far, it's 3 oz formula to 2 oz milk. Hopefully, he'll get used to the taste that way, gradually. We did it that way for my daughter. But I'm also interested in feeding schedule so following. Right now he drinks 5 oz in the morning then breakfast 40 min later. 1st nap. Then lunch when he wakes up. A 5-7 oz bottle before his 2nd nap. Dinner when he wakes up. And 7 oz before bed. I'm having trouble with bottles cuz I want him to be done with them but he's struggling with sippy cup and doesn't understand the straw lol My daughter caught on so much more quickly than him.
@➳➳𝕊𝕒𝕞➳➳ Got it thanks! He actually ate the pasta, chicken breast and tomato sauce so yay! 😀
@Jaii Ooh yes pancakes and yogurt! I’ll keep that in mind for breakfast ideas. What kind of soups do you make for your baby? Mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes is a must! So you just give like 4-6oz off cows milk and baby is good?
@Tania Thanks Tania! I am slowly introducing him to everyone so that eventually he will eat whatever we eat! What kind of snacks do you provide your little one?
@Karyn Thank you! Do you combine the formula and cowls milk or provide it to baby separately? How much milk do you give baby in the AM and night before bed? I’m afraid if I stop formula completely - he may not be full overnight. What kind of snacks do you provide? That’s where I struggle! Especially if we will be going out and about!
@Breana I noticed that with my son! He loves to chow down and seems like he’s staring to like solids more than his formula! We will see! Thank you!
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@Sophia Yeah…we may need to do the same. Mix formula with cows milk if he doesn’t like it. We haven’t tried weaning him off the bottle and drink milk from a sippy cup or a straw up. He does drink water form a straw cup (Dr. browns). Have you tried giving your baby water through a straw? We did and eventually he just picked up the straw cup and started drinking water out of it! We were surprised!!!
@Jenn this boy just chews on it. But did you just let him have it all the time? I'm scared that if I just let him chew on it all day, he'll just think it's a toy and never learn to use it lol Girl the straw is 100% of the battle. Once my daughter knew how to drink from it, I just started giving her milk in that and you no longer have to hold bottles. They just drink from it themselves. Such a relief.
And it takes care of their need to still suck, ya know.
@Jenn I was going to mix formula and whole milk if she didn’t like it but thankfully she’s taken to the cows milk just fine. She actually had her 12 mos check up and the doctor said no more than 16 oz of milk per day. Part of the reason why I give a big dinner is so she’ll be full overnight. Meatballs, pasta, veggies, avocado. For snacks I buy Little Bellies or Happy Baby/Tot puff snacks and Cerebelly pouches. If we’re at home and I want to give her a snack, it’s usually cut up fruit. Sometimes I’ll give her some toast because she’s a carb girly. You can basically make anything a snack. She also likes tortillas with a little hummus. I bought a snack cup at Target that prevents spilling and just load that up with the puff snacks when we’re on the go. I also always bring a water bottle. I think making sure she was drinking water was somewhere I struggled because we weren’t supposed to give them water for so long.
Just give him whatever you’re eating!! My daughter loves white chicken chili, ground beef chili, pot roast and last night I made Indian food and she liked that too. We don’t give her sugar because there’s really no reason to. It’s not like they can ask for it and they don’t even know it exists lol. Plus I read that giving them sugar before age 2 contributes to pickiness and strong food preferences and even type 2 diabetes later in life!
@Sophia My son chewed on it too and then I used my hydroflask tumblr with a straw and initiated drinking water and he did it too! I noticed that it works better when we do something we want them to do! I did the straw thing only a couple times! I’ll have to just let him drink milk from the straw cup and see what happens!
@Karyn Thanks! I’ll just have to try it and see! Just offer the cows milk in his straw sippy cup he uses now and see if he will just keep drinking it. Big dinner — more protein huh?? My son is a carby boy too! He loves bread and pasta!
@Courtney Thanks girl! When we go out and eat - we do give him what we eat. Ohhh chicken chili? That sounds good! Have any recipes to share??? U use a lot of ground chicken thigh! You’re right about the sugar! I don’t give him any of those fruit puffs and just fruits and whatever sugar is in food!
@Jenn always tomato sauce,!! Lololol and if you are i producing something and they don't like it at first. Keep giving it to them
@➳➳𝕊𝕒𝕞➳➳ Yeah just gotta keep offering it! Our pediatrician said “Best to offer foods they don’t like when they’re hungry! They will eat it!” Lol
@Jenn yup! Or make it the larger part of the meal etc just to get them to acquire the taste
@➳➳𝕊𝕒𝕞➳➳ Thank you!
Feed feed feed. Goat milk may be better if cows milk is hard on him. Otherwise. Feed shredded cheeses. Cottage cheese yogurt etc. Train them into different textures. Seasonings. And flavors.