Did I actually have a chemical pregnancy?

So on the 30th November, I had a massive bleed and the nurse confirmed my HCG levels dropped. We have been basically been using protection as we were not planning to conceive this December but weirdly something felt off so I took a pregnancy test. The problem is my tests are coming up 3+ and the dyes are becoming dye stealers which is impossible. I got a doctors appointment on Friday but I am so confused and already hurt from what has already happened.
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Did they do a scan? Did you have 2 blood tests? X

@Incognito they said they didn’t need to do a scan as my 2 bloods apparently proved it? 😔the thing is it would be nearly impossible for me to be pregnant as we used protection this month

Do you know the results of the bloods? I would probably get referred back to epau x

If you had been pregnant from the first occasion how many weeks would u be now? Xx

@Elle 9 weeks at this point x

I would get a scan xx

I don’t mean to be invasive but how reliable was the contraception? For example the pill could be unreliableish but a condom less so x

@Elle not true, condoms are only 80% effective whereas pills are around 93% effective

@Abbie but she would know if the condom failed As it would’ve split, where as if the pill failed she wouldn’t know there and then you’d find out if you got pregnant

@Elle also not true, condoms can leak without you realising

@Abbie okay well I was just implying there’s a lot more chance you’d know in advance of a condom not working than other methods

@Incognito went to the emergency room and I was diagnosed with an undiagnosed 9 week ectopic pregnancy which could of been recognised if they done the scan 😔

I am so sorry to hear that. Hope you are okay ❤️ x

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