Potty training?! How many are fully potty trained?

My 2.5yrs old sits on the potty then wees in her nappy two mins after it’s back on or on the floor!
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Fully done at 27 months. Keep trying!

We’ve been potty training for a week. We stopped nappies completely apart from bedtime, after the first time wetting himself he hated it and started going to the potty. Definitely stick with it. He now stays dry at night time even with a nappy on. Good luck!!

Don't feel pressured to do it if she simply isn't ready! I haven't started yet because he's showing no signs - it will be much easier when he's actually ready. They're only young still, plenty of time :)

She is saying wee wee and sitting on then walking off and seeing in a nappy! She absolutely won’t let me near when she poops! She becomes like a ninja

@Amy like a ninja 😂😂

I woukd say give it a proper go so no nappy until bedtime It can be confusing if nappy on and then off - I made this mistake with my 1st Will be lots of accidents to begin If after a week no improvement she probably isn’t ready

Without the nappy she was peeing on the floor and then was scared of weeing and hated anything to do with the potty

Tried in summer but I was 36 weeks pregnant and husband was working full time so gave up. Tried again last week and it took 3 days. So much easier this time. If they’re ready it’s pretty simple for them to get. (Still put nappy on at night but it’s getting increasingly drier as the nights go on) x

Fully toilet trained at 26 months. We did no nappies during the day and in the summer so any accidents were in the garden

My little boy was fully potty trained at 25 months! Day and night! He smashed it!

We have been training for like 2 months now! Wees are fine now he holds them although sometimes has an accident if immersed in play but poos we have never caught one in the potty so still very much trying there!

@Catherine my little boy refused in the potty! We put some of those step ladders to the toilet and he was so much more comfortable I think the angle helped a lot! Within a couple days he went!

How do you know they are ready? My boy doesn't show any signs of being interested.

@Jo my little boy didn’t either! You just do it, I did it in the summer as I was due a baby October so didn’t want two in nappies!x

2nd time round, day 10. Happily tells us he needs a poo etc, but he only just learning the feeling of needing a wee. Yesterday we had 10 plus accidents for some reason but today only 1! I personally think both parents and child need to be ready, it’s hard work to be so upbeat and not feel disheartened by accidents.

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I’ve asked my little boy on different occasions but he’s just not interested lol

We potty trained at end of October and he got it v quickly. But as people say he was just ready. Haven't worried about night time.

Fully done and at night too but everyone is on their own journey x

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