I have gave her calpol but not teething powder or anything x
@Abby I got some of the Ashton & Parsons stuff and it does seem to help, I find the gel is easier to use There is also a big regression around this age so she might just need a little more comfort/distraction. I've certainly found that to be the case with my boy, he's become very clingy 🙈
Yes I have noticed that as well of her.. thank you I will have to get some of that stuff. Thank you again x
You are definitely not alone! My LO will be peacefully asleep then wake up screaming and won’t settle until he’s fully woken up and reassured it’s mummy holding him..(so strange we don’t know why) we’ve noticed a huge change in naps this last week and he is teething like no man’s business. I would definitely recommend the Ashton and parsons gel and some powders (haven’t used them for my LO yet but have given to lots of children in nursery and always recommend to parents now). You have got this! 💪🏼💪🏼
I'd say teething. My LO is the same, will be 5 months next week and his emotions are all over the place, lots of random tears then giggling a minute later. Have you tried teething powder, or Calpol, when she seems particularly down?