Clear blue test

I tested positive for the first time at 9dpo on 16/12, got 1-2 on clear blue on 18/12, then 2-3 weeks on 25/12, however tested again on clear blue today and I’m stuck on 2-3! Given how early I got my BFP this isn’t likely to be good news is it? I’ve got a scan at epu on Saturday due to having recurrent miscarriage previously, given the results on the clear blue I’m not expecting to see much. I’ve also not had many symptoms other than tiredness and sore boobs. I did test with second morning urine though not first, I do still have another test I could maybe do tomorrow.
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I NEVER got past 3+ and I was petrified. Had a scan the other day and have a lovely, perfect bean with beautiful heartbeat and everything is lovely. (I am 8+4)

@Stephanie I don’t think they go past 3+, do you mean you never got to 3+? Lovely news that everything is well on your scan x

It took me to 7 weeks to get 3+ confirmed with a scan I am now 10+4

Sorry love, you’re right! I never got a 3+. Every week I tested I got 2-3 even when I was nearly 8 weeks! I haven’t bothered again because those things are expensive!! (I did 8 CB digital tests with the weeks) 🤣 but no honestly, if I ever get pregnant again I would not do the tracking/multiple tests every day/week. They drove me absolutely nuts because I was so worried that I ‘wasn’t progressing’ - multiple doctors and midwives told me that it means nothing. ‘Progressing lines’ can end badly. And no progressing lines can result in healthy pregnancies. I know it’s so hard, but please try not to worry🥰

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