@Stephanie I don’t think they go past 3+, do you mean you never got to 3+? Lovely news that everything is well on your scan x
It took me to 7 weeks to get 3+ confirmed with a scan I am now 10+4
Sorry love, you’re right! I never got a 3+. Every week I tested I got 2-3 even when I was nearly 8 weeks! I haven’t bothered again because those things are expensive!! (I did 8 CB digital tests with the weeks) 🤣 but no honestly, if I ever get pregnant again I would not do the tracking/multiple tests every day/week. They drove me absolutely nuts because I was so worried that I ‘wasn’t progressing’ - multiple doctors and midwives told me that it means nothing. ‘Progressing lines’ can end badly. And no progressing lines can result in healthy pregnancies. I know it’s so hard, but please try not to worry🥰
I NEVER got past 3+ and I was petrified. Had a scan the other day and have a lovely, perfect bean with beautiful heartbeat and everything is lovely. (I am 8+4)