
Anyone else’s LO started biting? What are y’all doing to stop this? Mines got 7 teeth and she’s leaving bruises🤦🏼‍♀️
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I had such a bad biting issue as a child my momma had to bite me to show me what it felt like to be bitten and I never bit anyone again

I know that seems harsh but it did work in my case anyway 😂

Mine likes to fight and bite before bed. I’m not having a good time over here I was a biter as a child. Karma is crazy

Same here. Not sure what to do.

Yep, 6 teeth now, it’s a delightful adventure. And then she chuckles when I yelp in pain. I’ve noticed she gets in a ‘bitey’ mood when she has a little too much energy - I put her in a bouncer or play pen for a bit to get it out of her system.

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