We don t need to sterilise the forks, spoons, bowls, etc but bottles yes we have to sterilise them until they turn 12 months due to formula 😇
I was wondering about this! So unless using bottles for formula, no need to sterilise utensils, even below a yr old?
You need to sterilise for all milk- formula and breast. But not for food in any guidelines I've seen. I assume it's because of the bacteria in milk and the nature of bottles having lots of places where milk can't get caught.
You don’t need to sterilise for breast milk
@Imogen NHS site says that you have to sterilise for both formula and breast milk quote: The advice about how to clean your baby's feeding equipment applies to all of the equipment, and whether you are using expressed breast milk or formula milk.
It never used to be. The Association for Breastfeeding Mothers and the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine says you only need to for the first use. After that cleaning them well is enough. Like always, people can use their common sense. The NHS website isn’t gospel.
I agree it is common sense and an advice at the end of the day :)
Oh I didn’t think this was a thing once weaning? I thought you only done the bottles due to formula etc x