He will be 6 months next week, we tried giving him some cool boiled water but he only drank 15ml of it ☹️ and then the doctor in the hospital said dont give him any when our local doctor said to try it aswell so had conflicting answers from both of them x
Eurgh I hate conflicting advice, I had been giving cooled boiled water (just sips) from about 4 months under doctors advice,so you do what you think is best ❤️ I think keep trying with milk/water whatever you choose but maybe little and often? As long as he’s having wet nappies that’s a good sign x
My little one had this when he was about 8 months old- how old is he❤️? It’s so horrible to see and worrying when they’re not drinking. I’m not sure how old your LO is but mine preferred drinking water when he had it, and he ate lots of yogurt. so it was something I guess but generally he really went off food and milk for a good few days. if under 6 months, try sips of cooled boiled water? X