@Shelby okay maybe it’s because I already have a kid so nothing actually stays clean after I’m done cleaning. It’s a vicious cycle
Me too!! I’m moving like a month before the baby is born and I’ve already started going crazy throwing things away and packing. I had a dream my husband and his friends brought our furniture into our new place without me mopping the floor and I woke up in a panic lol
@Hannah I’m also moving soon and I feel like It’s making it soo much worse
I’ve been laying awake at night worrying about packing and cleaning our new place. I can’t wait for it to be over
This! I thought this would come so much later (first pregnancy). I’m also surprised at how strong the urge is. It is not a want it is a have to! lol
I’m going through it! Have a major yard sale today and got rid of so much. Glad it’s not just me