Personally I think using a pull up is counter productive for potty training bc she won’t feel that it’s wet and you won’t see that she is peeing. We did naked for a week and it was exhausting but very effective. Then we started doing pants but still no underwear bc feels similar to a diaper so can make them regress. It can take a long time for them to be able to proactively verbalize when they need to go so I usually have a timer set and bring my little one to the potty at those intervals, we keep a potty in the trunk of the car too and I keep a pad down in the carseat. Reading “oh crap potty training” was super helpful in my experience!
I like pampers easy ups (and my daughter likes that bluey is on them). At daycare they like Huggies pull ups because the sides have Velcro to put them on easily with their shoes on.
It's messy but honestly the best method is the cotton training panties and either a shirt or dress as toddlers don't like peeing on themselves. I've potty trained 2 girls like this and starting on my 3rd. It takes about a week for them to fully grasp the concept. I also put their potty chair in the middle of where they typically play as a constant reminder and dum dum suckers make the perfect reward