Kendamil Formula

I want to know who uses this formula and what you think of it. I’m looking to switch my son from Similac 360 Sensitive to Kendamil cause i have noticed him spitting up a bit more even after burping and having him sit up 20 minutes after eating and i’ve heard good things about kendamil.
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I love it ! My daughter’s been on it since she was 1 month and she’s 7 months now.

We are on Kendamil Goat during the night and he is doing ok on it.

My little girl is on kendamil, I love it, never had any issues! She’s never hungry or windy! She’s 10 months old now 🥰

I switched from happy baby to kendamil and had to switch back because my girl got terrible gas with it. Such a shame because i wanted to love it.

Our little boy absolutely loves it, been on it since he was born and is doing so well! No spit up, burps well and is very content

My little one used to drink kendamil goat formula until she turned one and she loved the taste. Never had any gi issues from it and she had acid reflux early on when she was just nursing

this is the first formula i used when i brought baby home, it made her stomach upset. such as: could not play with her for like 2 hrs after she ate because she would throw up. the goat one too. i put her on earths best formula and it’s everything!

i did get it for a couple months after she came home but it’s ALWAYS sold out too!!!!!!!!!

My daughter switched formulas a few times at around 4 weeks since she didn’t tolerate similac total care 360. We switched to sensitive for a week and she had the same issue of spitting up/vomiting after feeds. I switched to Similac Total Comfort 360 and she did much better.

My boy has been on Kendamil since birth (first combi fed then just formula). There's a great Facebook group called kendamums if interested. It is rich though so may not suit all babies. In the UK we have had supply issues but seem to be getting resolved (hopefully). With spit up my boy was refluxy so we added carobel (thickener) to some of his feeds which helped. Often they just grow out of this but sometimes it can be down to a bad latch/teat issues if the bottle doesn't suit baby or other things.. the girl on kendamums always recommends getting a latch check done etc before switching formula at it may not be that? But if you want to give it a go i definitely like Kendamil, the ingredients are great and why I chose it for my baby 😊

We absolutely love it for our little girl but the downside is it’s a nightmare to get ahold of. So you’re always having to buy in advance or when you get down to 2 tubs as you don’t know how long it will be to get the next lot. You’re unable to subscribe for the delivery at this time via the website, but hopefully this comes back by Feb!

@Paige-Louise i completely agree! It was a hustle every single time our girl would run out of it. I would have to go to several stores out of town hunting it down. The stuff is gold. We are US basef

I switched from similac to kendamil and my baby has been spitting up a lot more then before when she was on similac I say try it and see if you like the change I think every child’s different and it doesn’t hurt to try

I had my daughter on neo sure and then total comfort similac from Spain then I switched to kendamil my daughter dose so great on it she has some spit ups but not as much as she did on the other formulas. Her gas isn’t as bad and she doesn’t cry as much as she did on the similac. I can truly say she is more happy now that I switched. I wish I would of used this for my first.

I use Kendamil Goat as a supplement and it’s great for us. I would definitely recommend that you try it.

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We’ve been on Kendamil organic pretty much since birth and never had any issues. I know every baby is different but for us it was amazing

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