Struggling with feeding

My boy is 15 months old and we got told off too by the HV about the formula milk. I feel like it’s his routine tho he only gets 2 bottles a day, one in the morning and one at night to go to sleep and we are still using the bottles for that but he also drinks his water from a non spill sippy cup, but now I’m panicking too because he’s supposed to be using a different cup according to the guidelines, but whenever he has a different cup I swear he spills it everywhere on purpose and then the lid comes off and I end up being so frustrated because it’s always everywhere and he’s all wet too. We tried doing just full fat milk but he refuses to drink it from either bottle or the cup, we thought maybe if he gets used to it in the bottle, we could try with the sippy cup next, we tried mixing it with the formula too and that doesn’t seem to work for him either. After his milk in the morning later on he will have porridge with fruit or weetabix or trying to do toast now too but he refuses that as well, will have some bites then he’s not interested. Can’t do scrambled eggs because he’s allergic to them- we noticed unless they are in with something else he will throw up a lot and have a rash around his mouth when having just pure egg. I’m struggling now too because whatever I make him for dinner he literally won’t have at all, maybe the couple of bites here and there but refuses to eat, and hates sitting in his high chair to eat anything- but then I try to give him the plate with his food somewhere lower (coffee table etc.) but he’s not interested he would rather run about and the food just ends up being cold which again leaves me frustrated with the whole situation because I just cooked all of that for nothing. I feel like he’s not getting enough food, I’m trying not to do any snacks so that he will be hungrier when it comes to meal times but that doesn’t seem to be working either. Just really frustrated and needing help and advice please 😭
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We have a dietician because of allergies but my little boy struggles with solid foods he’s 18 months old and still doesn’t eat enough in the day. He’s on formula still and he has 4 bottles a day but it’s literally his main source of nutrition. No matter how much food I offer him he’ll still want a bottle

We are still 2, sometimes 3 bottles a day but cows milk and he still drinks it from MAM bottles as he refuses it in a sippy cup and it works for him and us so we just stick to it. As for the health visitor, there’s stage 3 formula so surely he’s okay just having that if he refuses cows milk? Have you tried offering breakfast before milk or breakfast with a smaller amount of milk to go with it? Or a longer gap between milk and breakfast. We usually do milk first but that’s because my boy is an early riser (unless he sleeps in we will do breakfast first) and there’s no way I’m making breakfast at 5.30/6 in the morning 🤦🏼‍♀️ I know you said you’re trying not to do snacks but could it be worth offering healthy snacks just so he eats something? I tend to put a bowl/plate on the sofa/footstool that my little boy can pick at as he also would prefer to run around and play. It’s usually just some fruit or vegetable crisp things, usually things that are okay just sitting out without going cold x

We are under a dietician because of allergies and she recommended watering down milk. So if you usually give him 8oz then so 7oz formula (made normally) then add 1oz tap water to slightly water it down. And then after a while so the sake but so 6oz formula and 2oz water and so on. Also could you try and give a smaller amount for his morning bottle but serve breakfast earlier? We don't actually offer a morning bottle at all, just go straight into breakfast (half a toasted bagel and some blueberries - it's pretty much all she will eat!). She has 2 small bottles before her naps so you are doing better than us to have dropped bottles before naps!

I stopped the morning bottle by giving breakfast first. She wasn't interested in milk afterwards. I give her a small snack mid morning to compensate. Still giving the bedtime bottle but will be switching to a cup next week. She drinks milk at snack time in her sippy cup so she's used to it now

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