I Screwed up

Okay, I am panicking and I am just seeking some reassurance here, I don’t know why. My 9 and a half old baby was having really bad teething pain so she couldn’t sleep. I normally give her paracetamol, but this time I opted for ibuprofen, the only thing is I gave her 5ml instead of the 2.5 which you supposed to give every 6hrs. I basically gave her 2 does in one. She weights 9kg I doubt it will have a massive massive effect? She hardly ever had it and I only use it once in a blue moon, so she has not been taking it consecutively. Should I panic? Am I okay to panic? Should I do something? I gave her some water 🥲🥲
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Obligatory not a doctor, but I don't think you gave enough to have a massive effect! Don't stress yet, call your pediatrician and ask for more security but I think you'll be okay 🙂

There's a useful chart here that recommends dosage by weight rather than age and for 9kg it recommends 4ml anyway so 5ml probably hasn't done any harm 😊 https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/medication-safety/Pages/Ibuprofen-for-Fever-and-Pain.aspx

Call 111

I did the same at 1 years old and was told by 111 to keep an eye on her but she should be fine as they do that amount in hospital x

Thank you all! I did call 111 and they said she will be fine, that it won’t have a big impact. Just to skip the next dose which I was going to do anyway but thank you all, really reassured me. I am so tired and sleep deprived that I wanted my daughter to sleep well with no pain and I gave her the dose thinking it was the same as paracetamol, but all is good now ☺️

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