Refusing bottle

My 10.5 month old has been breastfed but I’m needing to switch to formula as he starts at nursery next week and I’m going back to work full time. We’ve been trying for months to introduce a bottle but he just refuses. The most he will drink is about 20ml. He doesn’t take that much in with solids, especially at breakfast and lunch, and it’s making me so worried about him starting nursery. We’ve tried changing the teat sizes and also tried from a sippy cup. We’ve also been upping the amount of bottles we’re offering each day but it’s making no difference. Has anyone had similar?
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Does he feed overnight? My friend had success offering a bottle of warmed up milk when baby was very very sleepy, practically falling asleep. They were so dozy that they drank it all up and it just got easier from there

@Annem he feeds every 2-3 hours overnight 😭 I’ll give that a go! The two days I’ve worked he’s now refused the formula and just hasn’t had any milk all day until I’m home. It’s making me so stressed

Bless you! Deffo warm the formula to body temperature and try when he's dozing off and more likely to go along with it. It'll happen xxx

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