Potty shot please read.
Hello, I had doubts of my potty shot (was done at 21 weeks & 1 day) i spoke to someone and they told me that the image where the hand was pointing too, wasn’t in line with that bladder and LOOKS like the cord
***Pics are attached
the first one is the original picture I was given and second is the one where the lady told me it’s possibly wrong and looks like a boy***
what’s your thoughts and opinions? is it a girl or could they have got it wrong? I raised my concerns with the place, I asked for a rescan to double check and they declined, said they can never said 100% but then said “it’s 100% a girl” but just give me half of my money back? I also raised my concerns as I was told babies legs were closed and then got told a girl. The manager also said that they don’t need to look in between legs, they are professional & know without looking? I’m so confused. Thank you x
I would say that's more than likely a boy! X