Be super compassionate, this hurts his male ego. If he is also really on board with TTC, he can finish in a container of some sort (preferably something like a diva cup) and you can transfer it inside you. It's not the old-fashioned way, but it can work. If he seems nervous at all about TTC, switch back to protected sex for a while and see if that clears up the issue. If so, talk about your path forward together.
@Bonny the cup thing i would be willing to try...but how would I put it inside me??? Do i lay down and just open up and pour??? I have told him several times to not think of it as making a baby. I know it can be stressful to question "did it work" but its no use worrying about it at this point. I leave it to God and will do what I can really. I dont even want to take a test either until i past several weeks 😂 my last one was unfortunately a chemical so dont want to be all excited with shattered glass in the end
We had the best luck (performance wise) with me tracking but not telling my husband what days were good for conceiving. If that makes sense. Took the pressure off for us. We just tried for every other day except when I was on my period. Not going longer than 5 days is good practice when TTC from a sperm count perspective. It is really sensitive. And frustrating because most of the fertility burden is on us. But you have to work with where your partner is too. Hope that is helpful! (We ended up doing an IUI for our first because of difficulty trying to conceive, our second we were able to conceive more quickly because I we didn't track ovulation but just tried to go for every other day. I honestly think that took a lot of the stress and performance anxiety off my husband's shoulders)
With a menstrual cup yes, you can just put it inside you and leave it overnight, but you should try to smear some around on your cervix while it's fresh (within an hour of emission) Again, I'd make sure he's really on board with ttc, though. If he's having doubts, it will be better for all of you and your future child to work through what's bothering him before blazing ahead.
@Miriam hes the one pushing to preform on ovulating days to increase the chances. I told him not to ask or think of it and see it as a normal activity. I do like your idea better but since he became all invested in fertile window while TTC not sure if he will not know
@Bonny he is on board, its just his performance that worries me
It could be the pressure to perform/get it done that's causing it. TTC can be a very stressful process. Sticking to certain days can also take the fun out of it and make it more of a chore.