We've been doing lots of naked time at home and my son has mastered getting to the potty really well but as soon as we try pants he has an accident, still early days though. He's still in nappies when out and at nursery but nursery are taking him out with all the other potty training kids so he can use the potty there too and once he's mastered pants at home we'll try to get rid of nappies. He's got a sticker chart which he loves! My biggest tip is to try and not leave your little one alone with the potty too much as my boy carries it too me to show me if he's used it and has way more accidents spilling wee down himself doing that 🤣🤣
Defo make sure you have first few days in the house! We did fully naked bottom half for day and half and daughter mastered that! We then went onto wearing trousers only, no pants for a week then added in pants and it’s been great! A friend suggested that to me as pants can feel similar to a nappy so suggested trousers only and it defo worked well for us! Had a few friends who went straight to pants have to go back and start again x
I would say stay at home the first three days and do as much naked time as possible. Lots of praise don’t be to negative if they have an accident. Then start introducing pants maybe with something on they like…. We got bluey pants and said things like “don’t get bluey wet” she seemed to really like that and asks for bluey pants all the time. We are week 3 now having no accidents and most of the time dry in the night and nap time although still using nappies at sleep times just incase xx