@Jazmin no problem at all 🙂 kind of regretting buying one now but be good to see people’s personal experiences with them too x
I have one and we only use it for making feeds at night and have had no problems at all using it. It’s quick and easy and saves time at night. Having said that for day feeds we have a kettle we can boil to different temperatures so boil to 70 and do the hot shot method and this doesn’t take too long either.
@Kirsty Yeah tbh I mainly bought it for night feeds for quickness so that makes sense. Thanks for your reply 🙂
I used this, and I would be lost without it 😂 baby had no digestive issues, no colic, no issues at all x
Hey, we have a prep machine in our bedroom for night bottles, but we make the rest of the bottles from the kettle. I don't notice a difference in how baby is with bottles from the prep machine compared to bottles made from the kettle. She's 11 months now so doesn't have many bottles from the prep machine anymore. She wasn't a colicky baby but she did have reflux. I have read that the hot shot isn't actually hot enough but I haven't checked this for myself. I haven't had any issues with feeding prep machine bottles.
We stopped using ours immediately after testing the hotshot. I read online that the hotshot didn’t stay hot enough for long enough to kill the bacteria. When testing it was only 65 degrees immediately after dispensing degrees 🧐 so not even hot enough in the first place. We now use nuby rapid cool as its intended (not for the hotshot method as this is not recommended either) we have two so we can get through a couple of night feeds without having to sterilise. Get a thermos flask keeps the water above 70degrees for at least 10hours. The method takes no longer than the prep machine
I’m interested in responses too as used a prep machine 7 years ago but wondering what is best now.
i found it amazing personally, one of the best things i bought. i didn’t have any plan on breastfeeding and was recommended a prep machine, and it just made making bottles so much quicker and easier. my little one suffered slightly with colic as a newborn but a lot of babies do, i made sure to swirl the bottles rather than shake which is recommended (i mean, the older he got the more i would end up shaking the bottles and he was fine then too lol) but yeah i loved it, saved so much time and effort especially for night feeds xxx
We liked it but made the colic worse with my first so won’t be getting one again. Xx
We used one last time when I stopped breastfeeding and I thought it was so useful 😅 super quick and baby had no digestive issues
They are great for night time feeds as quick and reliable, I'm toying with the idea of buying one, I'm going to try and breastfeed and pump though but great for afterwards if I'm struggling to breastfeed x
Thanks for your comments everyone, much appreciated x
I have been bought one as a gift. But I'm thinking of just using it for the night feeds x
I hope you don’t mind if I follow this post. I’m in the same position, thank you!