Why doesn't my baby hold her own bottle?

She's 13 months and still refuses to hold her own bottle. If you give her a sippy cup, she will hold it but when it comes to a baby bottle, NOPE. Anyone else experience this? Will she eventually hold her own?
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It’s not a developmental milestone or anything 🤷🏼‍♀️ if she’ll drink from cups I’d just get rid of the bottles anyway!

My 13 month is the same, holds his water sippy cup fine but comes to bottle he refuses 🤷‍♀️😂

My little one has never shown an interest and he's 20 months now. I don't think it's an issue though! I don't mind holding it

My son never really held his own bottle. We stopped using them around 1 - when he stopped formula - and just used a cup from then on.

Honestly I’d just use the cup Instead if she doesn’t want bottle it’s ultimately better for the teeth at that age anyway .

My 13 month old is exactly the same (well she’ll almost be 14 months soon) she can hold her sippy cup and drink very comfortably but refuses to hold her bottle herself. I think it’s more of a comfort thing tbh as she’s used to me doing it for her as like a ritual in mornings and night. I don’t mind it tbh

Neither of my twins hold their bedtime bottles and they are 15 months 🤦‍♀️ I was hoping they would at some point as with both my hands occupied with bottles i can't read them bedtime stories like I did with my two older girls 😟 They just can't be bothered 🤣

Neither of my twins hold their bedtime bottles and they are 15 months 🤦‍♀️ I was hoping they would at some point as with both my hands occupied with bottles i can't read them bedtime stories like I did with my two older girls 😟 They just can't be bothered 🤣

My LO still didn't hold bottles at 14 months so we swapped to straw bottles for his bedtime milk (only 'baby bottle' he had) and he holds them himself

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