I havent started, haven't even got a potty
My health visitor said every child is different but personally she wouldn't even recommend trying until the summer as it's very common for children who learn under 2.5 to regress. That said I have been trying but my son got really upset over it so we are leaving it for a while
My daughter didn’t really show signs. We just did it after she turned 2 and she picked it up quickly. I think every child is different but you get a feeling as to whether you think they’ll catch on quickly.
We haven’t started yet and I’m in no major rush to. I think we’ll start when the weather is warmer so we can spend more time in the garden where accidents won’t be a nightmare to clean up 🤣
Same, we haven’t started yet but he is definitely showing signs. Until he’s fully ready and the weather is warmer we will start
Same here, not started. We have a potty and he's becoming familiar with it and likes sitting on it but from my understanding it's much more successful if he's showing all the signs which hopefully will be about summer time.
We havent started we got a potty because he said others in his class got to potty and he wanted to as well. So its in the bathroom but not using right now. But we are doing things to lead up like, when he tells me he has done a wee i change him straight away and im getting him to practise taking off / putting on his trousers by himself so when we do start that part wont be a struggle x
My son is showing no signs yet, so I'm not gonna add more stress yet. I read the optimum time is 27-30 months so I'll be pushing the boundary of that. See if he's showing signs at easter. No pressure! Alot of my friends only started near 3
I don’t think you are late. My son is in a nursery room with kids up to 2.5 and he is the only one using a potty. I would recommend the potty training course by big little feelings. It is or was 34 usd. x
i don’t think anything is right or wrong, but my boy was trained when he was about 19 months, he didn’t show any signs of being “ready” i just did it, he took to it within a week, every child is different and every parenting style is different it is completely up to you. in my opinion i think being “ready” to be potty trained is a myth, apart from night time training. I do think night time training is where you have to wait till they’re ready.