Potty training question

Did anyone potty train without the naked phase? How did that go? It's too cold to be half naked & there's no way I'd can stay house bound with my bouncy toddler, she needs to blow off steam outside. How did you manage going out while training?
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We had our son (3 in March) half naked in the house over Christmas. Wasn’t long before he wanted pants on and he got the hang within a day! We still went out, just encouraged a wee beforehand and had a potty in the car (carry potty). We only had a couple of accidents and he quickly realised the benefit of asking or going before/straight after we’d been out. Puppy pad in the car seat (luckily no accidents there though!) Taken two weeks and he’s fully potty trained and we’ve had 3 consecutive dry nights. Happy to answer any other questions x

@Francesca I have a question, can you come and train my toddler? 😂

@Bobbie Wilson 😂😂 I followed what my friend did and she’s very much about attachment parenting and following their lead.

@Francesca I'll follow this! That's tried and tested by 2 parents so I'm all for it!

I have the same problem 🤦🏼‍♀️ my daughter just doesn’t want to use a potty I got the one with the handles for the toilet she likes the idea scared of actually going doesn’t like being naked wants a nappy on but she now tells you if she has had a wee or wants her nappy done.. I’m following her lead as we’re never in the house with two energetic dogs to walk aswell

@Chloe it’s really good she’s aware of when she’s had a wee and asks for a nappy change. My son started to do this too before we tried the potty. Currently won’t use the toilet at home but will at nursery (they have a toddler size one). We’ve got two springers so I feel you, we go for very long walks which is where the carry potty came in really handy. She won’t be in nappies forever though, one day it’ll just click.

@Francesca I know I think she will be one of them kids who just go and do it 😂

@Chloe my daughter hates a nappy change & has never told me she's done a wee or poo.

@Susan my daughter was like that too this is new only started around beginning of December she constantly wants to go in the bath now too I get “I’m dirty, bath time” 🤦🏼‍♀️ she will be 3 on the 28th of March

I might be jinxing it…. But my son who is 3 in April might be potty trained. We tried before in the summer naked but as soon as he put pants on he couldn’t get it anymore. So this time we just went straight to pants and trousers. Only a couple of accidents at the end of the day. We’ve been out and I’ve got him to do a wee before we go and made a big fuss of there being special big toilets wherever we go and he has wanted to use them instead of the carry potty. I never thought an adult toilet would be an exciting incentive 😂

We never did the naked phase. We had him in just trousers, no nappy or underpants. He had a few accidents over the space of 2 days but he very quickly got the hang of going on the potty. I found the trousers soaked up more of the wee too so it wasn't on the floor 🙈. It worked very fast for us

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