Potty training

Had anyone potty trained their child already it has started?? I bought my daughter a next to me toilet that we place next to ours when she was around a year and a half old. I tried to get her to get use to it then and she does great sitting on it but as soon as I tell her let's take her pants and diaper off so she could use it, she runs away screaming. My husband got her bluey training underwear(her favorite character) and about toilet that clips on to ours. I put her in it today and she lived it. She hasn't gone in their yet and did not want to get off of it so that's a plus. Any tips or tricks? It's so hard because I work Friday Saturday and Sundays. I only have 4 days to do this with her then she will be in pull ups again most of the day on the weekends. I don't know what to do.
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My sons has been potty trained since august! I followed the potty training professors program on tiktok. basically comes down to a schedule. We took him every hour and if he had an accident we just restarted the timer. It took about a week before he was fully potty trained. If you keep her in underwear she will eventually associate you and home with going on the potty it just might take a littler longer

We started but I did the naked method my aunts kept talking about 🤣🤣 now I’m struggling to keep clothes on the girl send help!!! She uses it on her own after one day of me putting her on it. She started using it on her own whenever she realized she had to go. After 2 days she started using it both to pee and potty by herself without having to be told

We introduced the potty when she was 9 months old, as an object that exists. By around 1 year she started to stay sitting on it Now she tells us when she needs to poop, and sometimes when she needs to pee. Going to work on fully potty training ones my husband is off 😅 In the meantime I am working on having her take off her pants by herself

@DeJah did you have the one that sits on the floor or goes on your toilet? I wouldn't mind letting her run around naked I've actually heard of a lot of successful stories by doing this but obviously she can't get on the toilet by herself and she for some reason thinks the one that sits on the floor is a toy 🤦🏼‍♀️ they have little steps that go to the big toilet but I don't trust her on those

@Heather my toddler thought it was a toy too when we first introduced. Take out that thing that makes the flush noise n problem solved!!!

@Heather I have her come watch when we flush it down the big toilet. Now she brings the pan to me whenever she pees or poops and she goes by herself

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