Urine dip

Hi all I have hyperemesis gravidarum (I’m 10 weeks 2days) and was hospitalised for the first time on 1st and 2nd Jan due to being so dehydrated. When dipping my urine I had a lot of ketones cause I was so dehydrated. They told me to keep an eye but because I’m keeping fluid down they were happy to send me home. I’ve got some at home test strips but they weren’t delivered till today and when I tested these were the positive results: protein (trace) PH (6) Specific gravity (1.030) Ketones (1.5) Everything else was normal. I’ve googled and googled and it says the protein is normal to be trace and that the ketones still show in dehydrated. I’m wondering whether it’s worth giving my midwife a ring tomorrow regarding them?
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I would call. My ketones were high in the last part of my pregnancy with HG and I went into ketosis multiple times which is actually really dangerous for both mum and baby. I was really really sick. They like ketones to be less than like 0.3 and I was hospitalised multiple times until it got to that level again and then given a heap of meds/vitamins and electrolytes to stabilise it after being given them in iv form. Hope you're feeling better soon 💕

@Tianna they were extremely high when I was in hospital but they said it’s down to dehydration and the fact I haven’t been eating so after I had fluids they came down to 3. I left hospital on 2nd and only now been able to test and they are still 1.5, I’m a bit concerned because I thought it would have cleared by now because my sickness is currently under control and I’m keeping fluids down x

Oh ok that's no good. Were they pricking your finger 2 hourly and then 4 hourly or just blood and urine tests? We naturally have ketones in urine I believe but when it is showing up in your blood it's a different story. They got me to drink a sugary drink one morning at 3am as the sugar is what helps as the body goes into ketosis when it needs sugar apparently and that's the fastest way to drop it back down.

@Tianna they were just dipping urine and took my blood once. Never once pricked my finger. They said it’s normal to have up to 0.5 in urine during pregnancy but anything over is a bit more worrying!

Oh ok how odd 🤔 The finger pricks are more accurate I can imagine. I would absolutely want it to be sorted asap as it's basically the body eating it's stored fat cells which is what would be the buffer for having HG and the impact it has on gaining wait during pregnancy. I've had 3 HG pregnancies, first one ended in a loss and then second was only HG until 20 weeks then I had other complications unrelated and then my third pregnancy had HG until 24 weeks then had influenza A for 2 weeks which really knocked me down and then the ketosis and other complications from then onwards. The ketosis was worse than my HG to be honest. They say HG caused it but I was fine one minute and it just hit me the next no matter what they suggested about eating late before bed and then a snack beside the bed early morning.

i had similar issues and my ob asked if i wanted to schedule twice weekly infusions which was pretty much sitting in a chair with an iv bag with water, sugars, electrolytes, and other vitamins and minerals that i was low on. ask your ob if they’re willing to do that bc it made me feel so much better

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