@GMF I was trying the timed intervals 😅 maybe I’ll try that, thank youuu
One day they’ll just do it …I know v “unhelpful” but yes just keep encouraging it. Give excitement around it. Also just be consistent every time you go, she goes 🙏
We did “treats” could be a kisses chocolate or even an mnm if you’ll allow that ! If not then maybe a sticker 🙏✨
The Dr. Becky guide worked really well for my son. We never took him to the potty at timed intervals or anything. The whole goal is that they start to recognize the feeling they need to go. So we carried the little potty to every room we were in. When he would start going we’d rush to put him on the potty as quick as we could. The first half of day 1 was all accidents and then it started to click and he was able to tell us when he needed to go.