Hi Teni, I have given her mixed with water to diluted. She finally went but it was really painful to see her like that. I just don’t know what can be causing it
I just went through this with my son and it happened when we switched from formula to cows milk. I ended up taking him to the ER and they gave him a glycerin suppository. If you did something similar that could be it. I just started giving him more water and kept the milk to before naps and at bedtime.
Try giving gripe water. My doctor suggested and it seem to make a difference
Mine has been getting more constipated too since we took him off formula and pulled back on the amount of milk he drinks. If they don’t get enough fluids from water etc, they can get stopped up.
You can mix a little apple juice with water and see if that helps. If the pain is extreme, I would go to the Drs office. I hope she feels better soon!