If you have had an IUD put in - was it painful?

I am scheduled to get an IUD put in for the first time and I’m a bit nervous about it. I’m just trying to mentally prepare myself.
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I got one yesterday and it was a bit uncomfortable getting it in, then I had cramping last night and still some today. The cramps are a little painful but tolerable. Take some paracetamol before your appointment and then after if you get cramps. Good luck!

I was so scared when I got mine after reading things. But when I got it put in, it was no more uncomfortable than a smear test.

It wasn't super painful. Definitely uncomfortable and had some cramping. My friends that got an IUD without having kids previously had a lot of pain with insertion.

I think I depends on the person they tried 3xs to put one in me and couldn't even after pregnancy for me I doubt it would work they tried so hard to help me dilate but for three days I didn't get pass 2 which resulted in a c section that wouldn't be something I'm willing to do again because of how painful

It depends . For me, it didn’t hurt. It felt like a pinch then minor cramps and spotting for the next few days or so. I’m getting mine put in at my 6 week’s appointment.

Beware they’ll keep telling you it’s not pain it’s pressure … smh

@Marième pressure is doctor talk for pain 😂 I’m hip to that trick

I personally went into cervical shock, fainted, and vomited when waking up. I was in constant agony with it. However, my friend who had it put in never felt anything and had hers until it ran out. It’s all different. Ive always struggled with things like examinations/smear tests.

Yes, but it was quick. For me it was uncomfortable (like a pap smear) for a few minutes, 30 seconds of active pain, another minute or two of discomfort, then a general soreness in the abdominal area for the rest of the day. I felt fine the next day and don’t even notice it’s there. Some doctors now are becoming more cognizant of female pain and will provide local anesthetic and lorazepam before doing the procedure, in addition to the “take an ibuprofen about half an hour before your appointment.” A friend of mine has extreme trauma (I don’t know the details), so her doctor allowed her to be fully put under for the procedure.

If you experience anything other than discomfort during the procedure and mild cramping in the couple days after, it may have been placed incorrectly.

I didn’t feel a thing because I got it put in when I was having my section. I want to get it out now though and I’m terrified that it’s going to be painful 😥!

Thank you for asking this! I'm getting one at the end of tge month and was super worried 🙈🤣

I feel like when they measured me as the worst part. Still wasn’t bad, small pinch and it just startled me. But then didnt feel the insertion! @Chelsea My OB had me cough while she yanked it out and I didn’t feel it at all! I mean, like I physically felt it pop out, but it wasn’t painful at all

@Chelsea the removal of the IUD itself wasn't painful. It was the digging around to find the string that coiled itself up next to my cervix that was painful.

It was worse than giving birth unmedicated tbh. And that’s with the numbing spray

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The insertion is painful, but after the fact it is fine, you won’t feel it except for some initial cramping feeling

I almost passed out and was drenched in sweat. It depends on the time of day too, I went in on a Friday right before they closed so they rushed through. My cousin went first thing in the morning and hers didn’t hurt

@Kelli ohhh the digging around is what freaks me out 😭

Thank you for asking this. I was thinking about getting it but knowing how I struggled with cervical examination during pregnancy and my last smear I don’t think I could do it.

@Chelsea I will say that is not deterring me from getting another IUD after this baby is born. The convenience of preventing pregnancy without taking a daily pill far outweighs the brief discomfort at insertion and removal. (I can't do condoms due to them causing recurrent UTIs.)

Opening your cervix hurts, I won’t lie. It’s a very intense stinging sensation. Breathe through it. It gets easier and honestly the whole process only takes a few minutes. For me the cramping was minimal and only lasted an hour.

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