Stick with the water at night (hard I know). Have you tried other foods like berries, peas, mangoes, French fries? Maybe try talking to your dr about a protein supplement? I have an appointment with my Dr next week and I was going to bring up a protein supplement to put in his milk (like a smoothie). Especially for when he's sick and goes from eating cheese pasta, peas and ritz to only eating cheese. Also make sure that you are giving his iron and hour or son before (or after) milk as calcium inhibits iron uptake. I found that out a while after our dr suggested iron supplements for our son.
@Ellie oh please could you report back if your doctor suggests any supplements? thank you i will make sure to do that about his milk! the doctors are so useless this i didn’t know about the milk!
@Emma thank you yes he is taking toddler formula doctor suggested to use toddler formula instead of normal milk as it has more vitamins added. i will go and get the liver tablets that’s good idea
My husband (rn) just told me that orange juice (or any kind of citrus juice) helps with iron uptake
@Ellie thank you, when will he start eating more?! is it to do with him being used to drinking so much milk at night? when will he stop drinking the water at night?! i am so stressed
I don't know. My son ate more when we reduced his milk initially, then he started not eating again. He'll eat ok at daycare for one meal (they serve morning and afternoon snack and lunch, he usually eats "most" of his lunch, but I don't know how much that is)
Mine was like this, he would barely drink during the day then have formula all night long 🙈 Eventually he started eating more during the day when he was on cows milk in the day, he gets one 8oz formula bottle at the start of the night when he goes to sleep then when that's finished if he wakes in the night he gets cows milk if he's thirsty. He's not taking much as all now some nights he doesn't even finish his formula. He refuses water even in the days so can't do water at night but working on it..
@Ellie how long did it take for him to not wake up at night and realise there is no more milk at night? and did he need supplementing or his diet is providing him with enough nutrients? how comes he started not eating again?
@Jenny this is basically why i need to stop the formula st night because it is very calorie rich so maybe thats why hes not interested during the day! how long did it take you to switch from formula to cows milk at night without him kicking a fuss?
He stopped waking after about 2 weeks. He started sleeping 8-5 then crawl into bed with us and cuddle/sleep until 7. We give him iron, omega 3 and a multivitamin (ABCD). He's over 2 and a lot of toddlers get "picky". He just refuses to eat most days, and then randomly he'll eat a whole bowl of beef soup. Today it was half a munchkin pink bowl of peas and two apple slices and that's a lot for him. I just do my best and offer foods when he's home, trying to follow the schedule at daycare. I'm going to talk to our dr at my appointment next week
@Ellie thank you so much for your help ! were you offering water instead of milk at night before he stopped at the 2 week mark? so he went 8pm to 7am without any milk? that’s the dream!
9 -6 without milk. Whenever he woke up at night we'd offer water.
@Ellie ahh good to know!! will do the same…after 6am were you offering milk or food?
6am was morning bottle then an hour later (when everyone woke up) was breakfast It's now a little different since he's in daycare and on a desensitisation for allergies. He still gets his morning bottle (with a few drops of the allergen), but he doesn't eat until daycare and half the time he refuses morning snack (between 7:30 and 8:30 depending on when the kids get there) so he doesn't eat until 11:30, if he eats. Usually the report is "ate some".
Could you try a toddler formula in his milk? I can link one we use when bubs doesn’t eat enough during the day. Maybe try smoothies also? You can get some desiccated beef liver capsules and open them up and dump them into the smoothies too to up his iron levels!